Public access
Badminton Estate is a private Estate and working farm, that also hosts many events throughout the year. Access to the Estate is only possible via the public rights of way. For more information, please visit South Gloucestershire Council at South Gloucestershire Public Rights of Way (
Badminton House is a private family home and there is no public access to the house, gardens, and grounds outside of organised events – Events – Badminton Estate
Visitors can enjoy the beautiful South Gloucestershire countryside in a safe and responsible way by keeping to the marked footpaths and by keeping dogs on short leads.
Please be extra vigilant in the Autumn when rutting (mating) season begins in the Deer Park. The herd of Red Deer are housed in the Deer Park but are otherwise managed as a wild herd. Stags can feel threatened by people and dogs and you are advised to keep your distance and not position yourself between groups of deer.
In the Summer months you should check yourself for ticks after you’ve visited any park or woodland and remove them. Most tick bites are harmless but they can sometimes cause human diseases such as Lyme Disease Tick awareness and the Tick Surveillance Scheme – GOV.UK (
Further information and other local walks
To continue your walking in the area you could try the circular Sherston Walk. This visits the nearby village of Luckington and the 16th century Luckington Court which was used to represent Longbourn, the Bennet family home, in the BBC’s 1995 TV series Pride and Prejudice.
Just to the west there’s the interesting market town of Chipping Sodbury. The Chipping Sodbury Walk starts from the town and visits the historic villages of Little Sodbury and Old Sodbury where there’s a fine old church and hall to see. Just to the northwest you could pick up the circular Hawkesbury Upton Walk and visit the National Trust’s Horton Court.
The Grade I listed manor house dates back to the 16th century and is surrounded by some pretty gardens. In the area there’s also a historic 400-year-old pub and the Somerset Monument to visit. For more walking ideas in the area see the Cotswolds Walks page.
You may ride or lead a horse or ride a bicycle on a bridleway.
Public bridleways can be located using the local OS map and can be seen below in green:
Badminton Airstrip
Badminton Estate has a private unlicensed airstrip. Landings can be arranged with prior permission and a fee will be charged. Please contact to discuss.
Professional & Semi-Professional Photographers
Badminton Estate does not permit photography or filming on its property for commercial use, photo shoots, promotional activity, or commercial filming without prior consent.
Photographers will be asked to remove any images or filming if they do not have permission and charges will apply. Legal action could follow if required or deemed necessary given the exposure and/or use of the location in commercial photography.
If you are interested in photographing or filming on the Estate please contact to discuss your project. Any charitable requests will be taken into consideration.
Visitors and residents are welcome to take photographs for their own personal (non-commercial) or educational use, when walking along the public access routes and we encourage visitors’ photography when attending a Badminton Estate event. You can share your moments with #badmintonestate.
Press Photography
With the exception of organised press events at Badminton Estate, all requests for access to Badminton Estate for press photography should be directed to the
Drones or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are not permitted to fly over Badminton Estate, unless prior written approval is granted. This is to ensure we protect the land and buildings and ensure the safety of wildlife and privacy of residents.
Metal detecting is not permitted on Badminton Estate land, except under specific circumstances authorised by the Estate Office. Unauthorised metal detecting or removal of objects is strictly prohibited and may be treated as trespassing. Please contact us for enquiries of this nature.